Principles of action regarding hpc

Preliminary remark
These guidelines are a statement of the beliefs and principles of hpc, which are the measure of our actions.

hpc is a company of the automotive supply industry, with core competencies in the development and production of innovative precision components, and product focus on gear modules/shift forks, body and frame modules, hinges and lock systems.

hpc is the first competent partner for its customers and supports the development of innovative products from the initial concept phase of a component, through the economic industrialisation and production, to the supply of spare parts after the discontinuation of the product line.

Our customers are at the centre of our efforts and all our activities are geared towards the highest level of customer satisfaction. By means of coherent concepts, hpc wants to actively shape the mobile world of tomorrow. We inspire our customers through innovation, strategic development and the implementation of solutions. Our goal is to exceed customer expectations in order to create the basis for mutual growth.

Staff members
hpc promotes measures that are geared to competence and responsibility, an innovation-friendly working environment and professional development. hpc motivates staff members to develop themselves professionally through training and qualification. We expect a fair and friendly interaction with each other as well as joint entrepreneurial thinking and action.

When selecting suppliers, hpc aims for reliable, long-term relationships that are built on respect and trust.  We think that only experienced and qualified suppliers and service providers increase our competitiveness. The procurement market of hpc is international, and we prefer competitive regional suppliers in terms of performance equality.

The core values of hpc are consistently constituted from the areas of human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption. To do this, we have developed ethical principles. We expect our partners to promote the development of their company as well as the preservation of existing jobs and the creation of new ones.

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